Blog ping services Ping Your Podcast

Thursday, 13 January 2011


Have you seen those cool opt-in forms which people put on the front of web pages?

Well you can have one now too, for any website, with no coding hassles.

Here is one I made for my Build Your List with Ease affiliate page:

This was made with the free ListWire autoresponder (get here

If you want to make yours at Listwire, log in, go to the Prospects tab and click on Squeeze Frame.

You will need to add:

* Form name: just for your reference
* Squeeze url: the website you want the optin for to show on, for example your Build Your List with Ease affiliate link
* Browser Window Title: whatever you want to display in the browser tab when people see your site

Then click on the Content tab to edit your opt-in form.

You can preview it, save it, come back and edit it again, until it looks good to you.

After you save it, you will need to click on “get URL” for that squeeze frame. Your URL will look like mine above.

f you want to learn more about how to use an autoresponder, get a free copy of Build Your List With Ease now.
You will learn the basics of setting up and using your autoresponder, in easy steps.

Go get it for FREE here

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